Your Skin, 

Our Expertise

Our Expert Services

You're a beautiful canvas, and we're all about helping you express your inner emotions thru various mediums of INKArt. We create exclusive Tattoos inspired by your personal style and requirement which match your vibe. Our team uses their eye for detail and high-quality Tattoo products to deliver a wide range of services.

Temporary Tattoost

Temporary tattoos starting from Rs 100/- each

Sticker Tattoos starting from Rs 100/- each

Permanent Tattoos

3D Tattoos starting from Rs 500/- +

Biomech Tattoos starting from Rs 5000/- +

Conceptual Tattoos starting from Rs 1500/- +

Customized Tattoos starting from Rs 1000/- +

Portraits starting from Rs 2500/- +

God-Godess Tattoos starting from Rs 1500/- +

Sketch tattoos starting from Rs 1500/- +

Tribal Tattoos starting from Rs 2500/- +

Polynesian Tattoos starting from Rs 2500/- +

Traditional-old school Tattoos starting from Rs 1500/- +

Neo traditional Tattoos starting from Rs 2500/- +

Water color Tattoos starting from Rs 1500/- +

Water Splash Tattoos starting from Rs 1500/- +

Japanese Tattoos starting from Rs 1000/- +

Geometric Tattoo starting from Rs 1000/- +

Aesthetic Tattoo starting from Rs 1000/- +

Minimal Tattoo starting from Rs 500/- +

Abstract Tattoo starting from Rs 1500/- +


Ear Piercing - Standard Lobe, Upper Lobe, Helix, Targus, Forward Helix, Conch, etc. 

Eyebrow Piercing- Vertical, Horizontal, etc. 

Lip Piercing - Labret, Spider, Snake, Dolphin, Vertical, etc. 

Piercing - Septum, Tongue, Nipple, Navel 

Permanent Makeup

Face moles. starting from 500/-

Eyebrows starting from 1000/-

Lip Highlights starting from 2000/-

Eyeliner starting from 5000/-

Kajal Tattoos starting from 5000/-